Bitcoin Taps

Pay with Lightning Bitcoin & Tap your Beer

The Bitcoin Tap

Use at home, parties, small events, portable setup for on the go

Compatible with 5 liter kegs

The Bitcoin Tap Pro

Ideal for professional usage, events, fixt on location or mobile installations,

Compatible with all existing beer kegs.

Autonomous beer tap with integrated Bitcoin Payments

Use Bitcoin Lightning’s fast & almost free payments and the beer tap delivers instant beer.
Dynamic pricing and dynamic volume possibilities, always serve the right amount for the right price.

Any time, any place, anywhere.

Orange Pill your family, friends, collegues, just anybody who likes beer will never forget this experience, that’s a guarantee.


  • Autonomous: You Pay & Tap
  • Fast & easy
  • Customize delivery volumes
  • Instant split revenues
  • Dynamic pricing, like happy hours
  • Less tap loss and less drink waste
  • Fixt and mobile tap units
  • Event services

Bitcoin Lightning Payments on your Event?

Are you tired of dealing with fussy event buttons and tickets?

Do you want to serve your guests faster?
This is the future

We’ve got everything you need to hook up and run your event with Bitcoin Lightning Payment Services.
So why wait if you can start and experience it today?

Contact us and let’s get the party started!
Who wants buttons when you’ve got beer taps with Bitcoin payments?

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Voor de eenmalige kosten ontvang je

  • Een Bitcoin Lightning Wallet configuratie
  • Een Lightning adres
  • Testtransactie
  • Inregelen wallet backup
  • Oplevering zakelijk Bitcoin betaalpakket waarmee je in Bitcoin kunt afrekenen in je onderneming, online in webshop of via facturatie.
  • Point Of Sale (POS) dat we bij oplevering samen met je testen.